Scrutinizing cost across every process is how companies stay strong in the industry. Lighting can account for up to 80% of a facilities energy bill so creating an innovative, efficient and cost-effective system is crucial to ensure productivity is up and cost are down. Verde Solutions can help make an enormous impact on your bottom line, reducing operational costs, keeping your employees safer on the work ๏ฌoor and improve productivity.
By installing a new, more efficient lighting system at Niagara LaSalle SteelCorp. in Hammond, IN., the company saves $246,000 on their electricity bill annually! With an Illinois utility incentive check of $170,000, the return on investment for the project was 5 months. Over 2,560,000 pounds of carbon dioxide is kept out of the air each year from the completion of this project – the equivalent of Niagara taking 242 cars off the road or eliminating 1,712 homes from the grid each year! The project was so successful that Niagara LaSalle Steel Corp. hired Verde Solutions for another project at its South Holland, IL facility!